We have all been told to stay hydrated and drink water regularly. Unfortunately, that habit outside our home has turned out to be a curse for the environment. The use of plastic bottles is ticking timebomb that’s engulfing our planet. And choking it slowly. Studies have shown that bottles used to package water take over 1,000 years to bio-degrade and if incinerated, they produce toxic fumes, which have a dreadful impact on our environment. India alone generates a staggering 5.6 million metric tons of plastic waste annually. Do you really want to contribute more?
Used plastic bottles are seen littered everywhere and a report submitted by the Central Pollution Control Board report to the honourable Indian Supreme Court, clearly said, “We are sitting on a plastic time bomb.”
We are sitting at a crucial juncture. We still have time to make a change. And it is with that sentiment, we invite you to join and support the Carry Your Bottle project.
Our Vision is to make people aware and encourage them to carry their own water bottle. And when inculcated as a daily habit it will considerably reduce plastic waste generated from bottled water.
To bring this into action we have created eco-friendly, reusable metal bottles with the message of Carry Your Bottle.
And when you go around with our messaged bottled, you act as an agent of change.
You draw attention to the project. You help save our planet.
However, we can’t just tell you to Carry Your Bottle and not give you the solution to the “When you end with an empty bottle” conundrum.
With our iRefill - SWAP ( SMART WATER ACCESS POINT ) and Mobile app, we are giving a complete solution to the single use plastic bottle issue. Not only are we using this as an opportunity to tackle environmental pollution, but we are also installing mobile and stationary safe water systems, which can be tracked through our mobile app.

Our dream is to invite more and more people to inculcate this daily habit of carrying their own water bottle. We have already started inviting private and government establishment to start safe water refill station for public. Let’s hope together we can turn it around for our planet.
The Solution is very Simple – Carry Your Bottle and see a world free of plastic bottles.
Come along – Let’s make the change happen!